Detergent Residues, QAC, NPE

Available for both milk and dairy products.

Why Test for Detergent Residues

Detergents are routinely used as part of the cleaning process in milking stations.  However, poor rinsing practices can lead to detergent residues remaining in the lines which can lead to the subsequent contamination of the milk.

What Tests are Available

A range of tests are available including:

  • NPE (Nonyl-phenol Ethoxylates) and QAC (Quaternary Ammonium Compounds)
  • Detergent Residues Suite
  • Alkylbenzene sulphonates (ABS)
  • Alklysulphonates (AS)
  • QAC
  • NPE
  • Non-ionics
Dairy Cows

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