
What Does the Test Entail?

The test uses liquid chromatography mass spectrometry technology to be able to analyse for a range of compounds.

The test identifies and quantifies specific antibiotics.  

What Compounds are Covered in the Screen?

The standard screen includes a number of compounds commonly used in New Zealand including beta-lactams, beta-lactam cephalosporins, tetracyclines, macrolides and sulphonamides.  An additional aminoglycoside screen is also available.

Australian Antibiotic Suite 

A suite tailored for the Australian dairy industry has also been developed.
Please contact us for details on how to send a sample to New Zealand.

How to Submit a Sample

5 mL of sample is all that is required for the standard antibiotic screen.
An additional 20 mL of sample is required for the aminoglycoside screen.

Like what you've seen?

Contact Milk Test NZ to get your lab testing sorted!
