Reference Testing and Calibration Services

Reference Methods

A number of tests are carried out according to international reference methods. 

These include:

  • Fat -Roese Gottleib
  • Protein (True and Crude) - Kjeldahl
  • Non-casein Nitrogen (NCN) - Kjeldahl
  • Non-protein Nitrogen (NPN) - Kjeldahl
  • Casein- Kjeldahl
  • Total Solids - Gravimetric
  • Lactose – HPLC
  • Urea - HPLC

Calibration Samples

MilkTestNZ also offers calibration sets for customers that have instrumentation which require calibration.

The following calibration samples are available:

  • 2% fat
  • 3% fat
  • 4% fat
  • 6% fat
  • Reference
  • Skim
  • Cream

Custom sets can also be requested.  

Calibration sets are sent on a Tuesday and test certificates are emailed on a Thursday.

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