Guidelines to Sending Samples

Testing Samples are best to be collected in one of MilkTestNZ’s vials.
Please contact us if you would like additional vials.

Which Vial do I Request?

If you require a composition (e.g. fat, protein etc.) please use 1 green vial per sample.

If you require a micro test (e.g. BactoScan, inhibitory substances etc.) please use 1 clear vial per sample.  If a foreign matter test is required, please send a second clear vial for this test (this test requires the full volume of the vial).

How to Collect the Sample

Samples must always be collected in an aseptic manner.  Avoid cross contamination through contact with hands, dust and other environmental contaminants.  This is particularly important for assessing the microbial quality of the sample.
When opening the vial ensure no contact is made with the underside of the lid or the inside of the vial.

The vial should not be opened until the sample is ready to be collected.

Ensure the milk flows into the vial without making contact with the side of the vial or other potential sources of environmental contamination.

Do not fill the vial to more than ¾.

When collecting the sample from a vat, ensure that it is chilled (between 2 and 7ºC) and has been mixed/agitated so that the sample is homogenous.  

Ensure vials are all accurately labelled and match the submission form.

How to Send Samples

Samples can be dropped off or sent to our address:

1344 Te Rapa Road
Te Rapa Park, Horotiu
Hamilton 3288

When sending samples it is important the samples are packaged correctly to help prevent samples going over temperature - this is particularly important when assessing the microbial quality of the sample.

Vials must be surrounded by chill packs to help minimise temperature increases.

MilkTestNZ has enviro freeze packs available for our customers.

Please contact us if you would like to request the enviro freeze packs.

Guide to using Enviro freeze packs

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